The Bemboka Show Society Inc. has been established to promote the development of agricultural, horticultural and industrial resources, and arts and crafts of Bemboka and the district in ways that help strengthen community spirit and engagement. It has been established under the Associations Incorporations Act 2009 (NSW).
Each year the Bemboka Show Society Inc. hosts the annual Bemboka Show with community support and many dedicated volunteers who combine to make the Show a great success and fun day out for all.
The Society also hosts a series of equestrian events throughout the year to help foster help excellence in these activities and enable people to enjoy this beautiful setting on others days apart from Show Day in March.
Small country Shows such as the Bemboka Show only continue to exist with the generous assistance and financial support of the local community and business sponsors from local towns and regional centres.
Sponsorship through the donations of funds, or the in-kind supply of goods and services, enables us to plan and budget with some certainty the many activities of the Bemboka Show. Some activities, though crowd favourites, can be quite expensive to hold on the day and may not always be possible. More available funds means more activities can be held and the level of prize monies etc on offer.
Download further information below on becoming a sponsor for the Bemboka Show.
Contact us if you wish to become a sponsor and we will email or post you a Sponsorship form.
Sponsorship Levels
Help us make the Annual Bemboka Show not just happen, but continue to improve each year. By becoming a Member of the Bemboka Show Society Inc. you can join the dedicated team organising the Show with its many activities and events.
The more people involved in organising the Show means that additional activities can be held on Show Day, we can
maintain or improve our standards in executing Show events, and with extra help we can better galvanise input and
support from local businesses and the community.
Membership costs $10 per annum and includes free entry to the Annual Bemboka Show. Email your contact details to: bombokashow@hotmail.com if you require any further information about what is involved in becoming a Show Society member.
NB: New applications for membership must be supported by two current Bemboka Show Society members. Download an application form for Bemboka Show Society membership BELOW. If you are an existing member and wish to renew your membership for this year, download the membership renewal form BELOW.
If you don't wish to be involved in organising the Show, but are happy to help out on Show Day, we always need extra Volunteers to help set up the Showgrounds and pavilions etc and help run the different activities and events. Please email bembokashow@hotmail.com is you wish to enquire about becoming a volunteer.
Renew Membership
New Membership
The first Bemboka Show was held in 1901 in the old School of Arts Building where the Bemboka Memorial Hall stands today. This was principally a flower show, but it also included entries for fruit, vegetables and farm produce, plus a range of
arts and crafts.
The first show at the current Bemboka Showgrounds occurred in 1906. The new Showground site was ideal with sufficient flat land for the main arena and surrounded by gentle rolling hills for viewing activities with good shade.
The beauty of the location on the banks of Colombo Creek with views to Mt Bemboka and the surrounding ranges further added to the importance of the site.
The Showgrounds allowed the inclusion of a much broader range of agricultural exhibits including
horses, cattle, dogs and poultry.
Apart from a break in activities during and following the Second World War, weather permitting, shows have been held at the Bemboka Showgrounds in March each year.
A feature of this small rural community at Bemboka and its surrounds is its ability to produce high quality local produce, plus a diverse range of talented people who excel in the arts and crafts.
In addition to the Show and other equestrian activities the Show Society has also hosted the popular Bemboka Banquet, quite an achievement for a small community of around 400 people. Visit the Bemboka Banquet site. There are no immediate plans for another banquet at present.
Within Bemboka you will find a bakery, hotel, B & B accommodation and more.
Please be aware that petrol is no longer available in Bemboka Village.
The nearest petrol stations are Bega, Nimmitabel, Candelo, Cobargo or Cooma.